A brow lift, sometimes referred to as a forehead lift, is one of the most popular anti-aging procedures offered at Tarola Plastic Surgery in Murfreesboro, TN. It can reverse several signs of aging affecting the appearance of the upper face, and it provides long-lasting, natural-looking results. To help you determine if surgery is appropriate for you, keep reading this comprehensive guide to find out everything you need to know about treatment.
Who Is a Good Candidate for a Brow Lift?
You may be considered a good candidate for a brow lift if you are bothered by sagging eyebrows that make you look tired, upset, or older than you feel. You also may be a good fit for surgery if you are concerned about deep forehead wrinkles However, you should know that the only way to know if you are a candidate is to attend an initial consultation. During this consultation, we will discuss your concerns, goals, and health to ensure surgery is appropriate.
While a forehead lift can be beneficial for many, there are contraindications that may prevent someone from being a good fit for surgery. For example, you will be considered a poor surgery candidate if you have a history of developing keloid scars. Additionally, you will not be able to undergo this procedure if you are suffering from an infection. Moreover, bleeding disorders, heart problems, and other chronic medical conditions can disqualify you.
What Preparation Steps Are Required Before Surgery?
There are several steps you will need to take to ensure that your procedure goes as smoothly as possible. One of the most important steps is to not take blood-thinning drugs or supplements for 14 days prior to your operation. It is also essential that you do not smoke or drink alcohol.
How Long Can I Expect the Results of My Procedure To Last?
You should expect your brow lift results to last for at least five to 10 years. However, you should keep in mind that there are several factors affecting the longevity of your results. For example, your age, health, and lifestyle influence the length of time you will be able to enjoy a youthful appearance. If you are fairly young when you undergo your procedure, maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle, and wear sunscreen daily, your results may last for 12 to 15 years.
How Can I Make My Results Last for As Long as Possible?
There are several things you can do to enjoy your optimal results for as long as possible. The most effective thing you can do is to protect your skin from the leading cause of premature aging, UV damage. You should try to minimize the length of time you spend outdoors when the sun’s UV rays are very strong, and you should apply sunscreen before going outside. You can further protect your skin from UV damage by not using light-based tanning methods.
Another effective step you can take to maintain your skin health is to not drink too much alcohol or smoke. Additionally, you should eat nutritiously and stay hydrated. Besides taking steps to keep your skin looking young and healthy for as long as you can, you should also consider getting injectable muscle relaxant treatments to prevent dynamic wrinkles. Botulinum toxin injections can also provide other aesthetic benefits, like lifting sagging eyebrows.
How Long Will My Procedure Take?
Several factors affect how long your procedure will take, including the scope of the procedure and the technique used. Generally, you can expect your procedure to take an hour or two to complete if you don’t need any other procedures to achieve your desired appearance.
What will happen during your procedure depends on whether you get an endoscopic forehead lift or a traditional forehead lift. However, you should know that you do not need to anticipate feeling any pain or discomfort because we will administer a powerful anesthetic that will keep you relaxed and numbed.
What If I’m Not Ready for Surgery?
If you are not ready to undergo surgery, BOTOX injections may be a better fit for you. BOTOX is an injectable muscle relaxant that can address a wide range of cosmetic concerns, including forehead folds, sagging eyebrows, drooping upper eyelids, and deep glabellar lines between your eyebrows. This non-invasive anti-aging treatment is extremely convenient, and the results can be seen in one to four days. These results can last for up to six months.
To be considered a good candidate for BOTOX injections, you should be in good overall health. Additionally, you should not have a history of severe allergic reactions. Furthermore, you must be a non-smoker to be considered an ideal candidate for this treatment. You will not be able to smoke for 24 hours before or after treatment.
Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today
To be considered a good brow lift candidate, you should be concerned about the appearance of your upper face and be in fairly good health. To find out if this procedure is right for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Nicholas A. Tarola, MD by contacting us at Tarola Plastic Surgery in Murfreesboro, TN today.