Whether you have whittled off a lot of excess weight or given birth to a healthy baby or two, a flabby midsection doesn’t always respond to a dedicated diet and exercise program. Excess skin can be embarrassing and uncomfortable and fat deposits can make you feel self-conscious.
If you’re considering surgery to help you get a tight, smooth midsection, a body lift may be just the right procedure to address your issues and help you meet your goals. While only you and the surgeon can decide if you’re a good candidate, there are some general guidelines that apply to nearly everyone considering this surgery.
You’re Done with Weight Loss or Nearly There
If you’re still 50 pounds above your goal weight, now is not the time for a body lift. Ideally, you want to be at or very near your final weight before you have surgery. If you have it done too soon and then lose even more weight, you could end up with loose skin all over again.
If you’re still fighting to get off the last five pounds, however, a body lift may help you get there and complete your weight loss journey.
You’re Generally Healthy
If you’re still reeling from recovering from another surgery, childbirth or other big event, you want to wait until you have completely recovered and restored your body to a healthy state before having a body lift done. Surgical results are gained with a combination of an experienced surgeon and a healthy, robust patient. If you’re not at your best, give yourself time to recuperate before scheduling surgery.
You’ve Quit Smoking
Smoking makes it harder for your body to heal any wound, let alone surgical incisions. If you absolutely can’t commit to quitting permanently, at least vow to stop smoking for the months before and after your body contouring. Even temporary cessation boosts your ability to heal properly.
You Have Realistic Expectations
A body lift procedure will not automatically give you the midsection of a supermodel. If you have a short torso now, you will still have a short torso after surgery. If you have stretch marks, tattoos or surgical scars, they may not be removed entirely during the procedure.
You may still see a slight rounding of your belly at times, and you may still not be able to see your abdominal muscles. You will likely have a flat, normal-looking midsection you’d expect to see on someone of your build, weight and frame size.
If you’d like to discuss the possibility of having a body lift procedure, contact Tarola Plastic Surgery today to schedule an appointment. We will be happy to discuss any questions or concerns you have.