Many men struggle with fat loss, and this becomes a greater problem as men approach middle-age. You don’t have to drink beer to develop a beer belly, as changes in the body naturally lead to a wider waistline later in life and regular workouts may not address the problem. This doesn’t mean that all your work in the gym needs to go to waste or that you will never again be able to comfortably take your shirt off at the beach. Liposuction is a viable alternative that when combined with your current fitness routine can help you achieve the results you crave.
Target Your Problem Areas
No matter how much you work out, there may be some areas of your torso that never trim down. The most common areas addressed by lipo include the lower abdomen (belly), lower back (so-called love handles), and the thighs. Excess fat in these areas can conceal musculature and result in a displeasing body shape as well as putting additional strain on the spine and internal organs. Removing the stubborn fat from these areas is generally the most desirable goal of a healthy diet and fitness routine, but this is often the last fat that the body burns. In addition to resulting in a more pleasing appearance, targeting these problem areas with liposuction can reduce the chance of diabetes, heart disease, and other weight-related illnesses.
Helpful Things to Know
Every man considering liposuction as a way to slim down their midriff needs to know a few facts regarding what the procedure can and can’t do. The most important thing to note is that it is a surgical procedure that is designed for body contouring and not weight loss. Good candidates are in good overall health and have realistic expectations.
Are you interested in achieving a more toned look? Talk to our experts at Tarola Plastic Surgery in Murfreesboro and Hendersonville. Contact us today to schedule a consultation for liposuction!