Everyone expects to have a perfect body after putting in the hard work to lose a lot of weight, but this does not always happen. You will likely not be able to get rid of some of the loose and excess skin on your body no matter how much you exercise and diet. You may also be dealing with stubborn pockets of fat. While this can be extremely discouraging, Dr. Tarola can help. A body lift may be the best way to transform your appearance after putting in the hard work to lose weight.
A body lift is designed to transform your appearance by improving the shape and tone of your body. This is done by removing excess fat and loose skin. A body lift is primarily done to fix inelastic skin on your stomach, thighs and buttocks. However, it can also address the groin, upper arms and other problem areas. The remaining skin is lifted and tightened to provide a contoured appearance to your body.
While you may see some results as soon as you leave our surgical room, the results of the procedure will only continue to improve over time. It is important to be patient, as it will take some time to see the final results of your body lift. If you maintain a stable weight, then you may be able to enjoy your new and toned body for the rest of your life.
It is imperative to follow the instructions of Dr. Tarola and his team after your body lift to ensure you have an easy and swift recovery. The treated areas will require special attention, and it is ultimately up to you to ensure that the outcome of your procedure is as successful as possible. Make sure to follow all of our team’s instructions regarding healing. Once you have fully recovered, you won’t believe what a difference this procedure has made in your life.
If you are looking to transform your appearance, make an appointment with Dr. Tarola at Tarola Plastic Surgery right now. During your consultation, we will be able to answer any questions you may have regarding this amazing procedure. In addition to transforming your lower body, we can also provide a more youthful look to your face with our non-surgical cosmetic treatments, such as BOTOX®. With offices in Hendersonville and Murfreesboro, TN, Dr. Tarola and his team are committed to helping you achieve your goals for your appearance. Contact us today to schedule a consultation for a body lift!