It is not uncommon for our eyebrows to start to sag as we age. When this happens, our self-confidence can wane significantly, but everyone deserves to feel comfortable in their own skin. For this reason, at Tarola Plastic Surgery in Murfreesboro, TN, we are proud to offer several effective anti-aging solutions, including a brow lift. Keep reading to learn more about this procedure, including how it works and who it is right for.
How Does a Brow Lift Work?
A brow lift works in just a few quick, painless steps. First, we will inspect the incision sites to verify that there is no dermal irritation in the area. Then, we will sanitize the areas thoroughly and administer anesthesia to ensure you are comfortable and calm throughout the procedure. After that, we will make a couple of small incisions and do whatever we need to do to improve your appearance. Usually, excess skin is removed and loose skin and muscle tissues are tightened.
After we have taken the necessary steps to improve your appearance, we will close the incisions. Finally, you will be taken to a comfortable recovery room where you will be observed as the anesthesia wears off and we will discuss aftercare guidelines with you.
What Aftercare Guidelines Will I Need To Follow?
After a brow lift, one of the most important aftercare guidelines you will need to follow is to refrain from smoking because nicotine increases your blood pressure. It is also vital that you avoid anything else that affects blood pressure, like consuming sodium or caffeine in excess, drinking alcohol, or exercising vigorously. You should also avoid exposing yourself to excessive heat. When you bathe, keep your eyebrow area dry and take a tepid bath or shower.
How Long Will I Need To Take Off From Work?
Several factors affect how long you will need to take off from work after your anti-aging surgery, including the scope of your procedure and how much time you dedicate to resting. As much as you may be anxious to do things, you need to rest as much as possible during the first several days post-op. If you commit to the recovery process fully, you may only need to take a week off from work. The more you push yourself, the longer it will take your body to heal.
Am I a Good Candidate for This Procedure?
If you have moderate or severe concerns about the appearance of your forehead, there is a good chance you will qualify for this procedure. However, we do not need to consider only whether this procedure will be effective. We also need to consider whether this procedure will be safe. Therefore, you will need to come in for a consultation to discuss your health history and present health.
What if I’m Not Healthy Enough for Surgery?
If you’re not healthy enough for surgery, you don’t necessarily have to accept your aged appearance. Botox injections may be an ideal solution to your aesthetic problems. Botox is non-invasive, so there isn’t a lot of preparation you need to do prior to your treatment. Furthermore, there is no downtime, and recovery is almost non-existent. You’ll just need to follow a couple of guidelines for a few short days.
Prior to Botox injections, you will need to avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, and exposing your skin to anything that can irritate it. For example, you will need to minimize sun exposure as much as possible and refrain from tweezing or waxing to remove unwanted hairs. After your injections are administered, you will need to avoid applying too much pressure to the area, and you will need to avoid increasing your blood pressure too much. However, you won’t need to take time off from work.
How Long Does Botox Take?
You can generally expect Botox injections to take 10 to 15 minutes to administer. We typically make injections in five strategic locations in each area of concern. The number of injections you will need in each location depends on the dose you need to achieve your desired results. If your cosmetic concerns are severe, for example, you may need to get three injections into each point or 15 injections per area of concern.
The initial results of Botox injections will appear after roughly 24 to 96 hours. However, it may be a couple of weeks before you see the final results of your injections. Note, this assumes you will only need one injection session to achieve your desired results. Depending on the severity of your cosmetic concerns, you may need a couple of treatment sessions to achieve the results you desire.
Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today
A brow lift works by removing any excess skin you may have and tightening loose tissues through a couple of small incisions. The process is painless because anesthesia is administered beforehand. If you’re not convinced surgery is right for you, Botox injections may be a better fit. To learn more, contact us today at Tarola Plastic Surgery in Murfreesboro, TN to schedule your initial consultation. We would love to help you improve your appearance and self-confidence.