The age at which you can benefit from receiving Botox is a controversial topic. While the majority of individuals who get Botox injections are older than 35, doctors say that the anti-aging treatment is becoming more popular among men and women in their 20’s as well. If you look into that mirror and are unhappy with what the mirror shows you, there is help available. Age itself is never the governing factor in the decision for a cosmetic procedure.
“Muscles move and form folds in the skin. If you do that long enough, you’ll get imprinted lines from the collagen breaking down,” Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. William J. Binder’s explains. “Botox stops this process by preventing the muscles from moving.”
Starting early is one of the top tips Dr. Debra Jaliman, a dermatologist on New York City’s tony Fifth Avenue. “She often tells her young patients, if they ask, that the science is clear: Early engagement can stop the clock. “If you know you’re somebody who’s going in the direction of cosmetics and you know that you’re going to care about lines, then I say it’s better to do it earlier than to wait and do it once these lines have etched into the skin,” Jaliman said. “So if you’re in your 20s and you start to see lines coming, then why not do it early and prevent it? And to me it’s just like exercise.”
Research has proven that “preventative Botox” is a valid treatment that could assist in eliminating wrinkles before they start.