Everyone, especially women, want to stay looking youthful and attractive while growing old. But more and more men are wanting this as well. Having loose, saggy neck skin can make you appear older and leave you feeling less attractive. Although there is no magic potion to preserve your youthful looks throughout the years, a neck lift in Murfreesboro may be the secret to looking young for longer.
What is a Neck Lift?
A neck lift in Murfreesboro is a cosmetic procedure that is done on the neck to correct loose skin, wrinkles, and fat pockets. The muscles under the chin may be tightened and excess fat removed. The result will be a youthful appearance that is hopefully long-lasting, without looking overdone.
Once you consider the benefits of this procedure, you may decide that getting a neck lift in Murfreesboro may be a timeless gift to yourself. Your neck lift in Murfreesboro will be professionally done as an outpatient surgery and is performed by our experienced surgeon.
Enjoying a More Youthful Appearance
The neck skin is delicate and tends to become saggy and droop with age. Exercise and diet will not tighten the muscles of the neck skin. To make the skin look younger, a more targeted surgical procedure, such as a neck lift in Murfreesboro, is needed. Your neck and/or your jawline can be enhanced and appear to have a more sculpted definition.
Boosting Self-Confidence
It is said that your neck reveals your true age because of the visible fine lines, wrinkles, and folds. There is no need to keep feeling insecure when a neck lift in Murfreesboro can instantly boost your self-confidence and put back that pep in your step. Everyone will notice how much younger you look; however, the results will look natural.
Say goodbye to sagging neck skin and look and feel amazing by undergoing a neck lift procedure with Dr. Tarola at Tarola Plastic Surgery. Get started by contacting us today and scheduling a consultation at our office in Hendersonville or Murfreesboro!